Start Flip'n from Scarcity to Abundance - No One Left Behind
Below is a News Flash summing up our one year anniversary
On November 06, 2010, the phrase,"Nobody Is Left Behind" will
finally be a REALITY rather than a Slogan. On this day, more
than 40,000 members worldwide will become one the world's largest TEAMBUILDS.
Where did we start? When we launched on September 17, 2009 our objectives were ambitious, clear and simple:
Setup Connecting Us All International non profit organization in Colorado Springs, Colorado in the United States of America.
Design, build and beta test a platform for Worldwide communications between members providing dynamic translation in every language.
Design, build and beta test a Worldwide Relief Center that connects abundant people with those in need of help. In addition establish Connecting Us All as a Non Profit organization that provides additional abundance regardless of race, religion, gender, age, education level, economic status or geographical location.
Design, build and beta test the first compliant, transparent, legal gifting movement! To utilize technology and synergy to create abundant people through the power of unconditional giving. To focus on need, eliminate greed and begin abolishing poverty worldwide!
Integrate a winning culture throughout leadership, staff and members utilizing five core values: Integrity, Partnership, Transparency, Compliance and Communication, while maintaining the pure intention of unconditional giving.
Establish worldwide communication channels with Government Agencies, Law Enforcement and honest critics. Our intention was to legitimize gifting through full disclosure, transparency and open communication.
Design, build and beta test cutting edge tools and resources to assist members in creating abundance in a free, fun and feature rich system.
In twelve months complete and launch the Worldwide Giving Network from the designing, building and beta testing! Igniting thousands of people to begin building the You AND Me World, a world that works for EVERYONE!
How did we do? Before we share the good news consider this: "The People Who Say It Cannot Be Done, Should Not Interrupt Those Doing It!" This statement defines our first year in Connecting Us All International. Many said this was impossible, illegal, a scam, greed would overtake the pure intent and we would never last a year. Strap on your seat-belts because what has been accomplished in twelve months is nothing short of amazing!
A year ago our team chose to enter into a no exits game! This dedication, commitment, passion and refusal to abandon the dream of a "You AND Me World" continued in spite of overwhelming compliance issues, opposition, critics and a magnitude of obstacles. We completed over three hundred components to our website. The first year expectations were to finish the website and establish members in several countries worldwide. Our goal was to invite key leadership to Colorado Springs for our International Pre-launch Conference and introduce the Worldwide Giving Network. We invited leaders to share this movement with key members of their group expecting slow and steady growth during the first year.
In the first month membership exceeded 20,000 in over 150 countries taking our team by surprise. Invitation websites, training tutorials, members service support teams, cycle progression, gift exchange methods, automated cycle systems and countless other resources were just being built. Our team diligently attempted to keep up with this growth and stepped up to the challenge. However, it was like trying to build a skyscraper in 30 days. We tried to develop resources as quickly as possible however the lack of resources caused member frustration and many decided to wait until we finished the website.
In twelve Months Connecting Us All:
Is operating in nearly every country worldwide.
Has become a non-profit organization, with offices in The United States, The United Kingdom and Mexico.
Has Membership exceeding 45,000 members.
Has provided over a quarter of a million dollars in humanitarian aid to over 2100 members worldwide through our Giving Tree.
Has completed a full assortment of resources, trainings, invitation tools and finished the most state of the art platform for our industry anywhere.
As of Saturday October 2, 2010, we have met and exceeded
every objective we set forth to achieve in our first year!
What Does This Mean? This means WE ARE READY! On October 2, 2010, during our Super Saturday Mega Event, we will open the flood gates! If you believe our first year goals were ambitious, wait until you see what is in store for the upcoming year. The site is done, our team is trained, our systems are complete, our videos are uploaded and this week we will send over 3,600,000 emails, make over 40,000 calls, launch over 50,000 online ads and begin a worldwide advertising campaign.
Our new Affiliate Program will be rolled out over the next 120 days. The Affiliate Program is being established to allow organizations the ability to utilize our legal, compliant, transparent gifting software. These affiliates will bring their own unique cultures and systems and will operate independently of Connecting Us All International. The synergy and traffic generated between our affiliates will place our mutual sites in the top 10,000 sites on the internet and provide many new options for members.
This is your chance to get engaged and stake your claim in the Worldwide Giving Movement! Connecting Us All International intends to bless over one million lives in the next twelve months with the objective to provide over ten million dollars in humanitarian aid. Your chance to change the world is right here, right now!
The Question Is... Are You Ready?
Who We Are
We are a group of like-minded individuals who share abundance through coming together and unconditionally giving to others. Our purpose for being is to connect, empower, enrich, awaken, enlighten and ignite people's personal power through giving unconditionally.
Our goal is to provide systems to assist our members in accessing abundance in their own life and the lives of others around the world. We recognize the "Law of Abundance" as universal law applicable to all people without exception to race, religion, gender, education, economic status, or geographical location.
Our intention is to break through the separations between races, cultures, religions, etc., and unite in a common cause: The creation of a "You and Me" World, which is a world where no one loses for others to win. Our belief principles make up our "Funnel Of Abundance" which is wide at the top, narrow at the bottom, and it's purpose is to capture and focus.
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